Sound to Visual Pt. II
![Sound to Visual Pt. II](
Hello internet sound seekers! It’s your pal Andrew.
If you’re truly part of the Redefining Records’ “Old School Tribe,” you may recall the first installment of this column written many moons ago, by one Aidan Kennedy Dansey. If you’re like most people, then you have no idea what this is.
What you’re about to read is a dissection of film and music in its most concise form - the music video. Together, we will attempt to decode the secret meanings within a given music video and draw connections between the lyrics and imagery of a song. We will, to the best of our abilities, link sounds to visuals.
Please grab a pair of headphones or connect your highest quality speakers in order to experience this content to the fullest. Watch the video in its entirety to begin, and then follow along with the commentary.
Preface: I’ve often found myself in a deep fit of sadness when thinking about how great this series could be, and how I wish Mr. Aidan had the time and resolve to write more installments. Alas, I’ve taken it upon myself to put this series on my back in the most ironic way possible. What you’re about to read is NOT another Sound to Visual written by Aidan Dansey, but RATHER a Sound to Visual written by myself in which I analyze Aidan Dansey (AKA The Judd Zingle Project).
“Old School Tribe”
By: The Judd Zingle Project
We open with Judd waking up from what appears to be a late night nap. A hint that he has an unhealthy sleeping schedule and is probably mentally unstable. However, a feeling of instant relief hits when we see that our protagonist cares enough about his dental hygiene to brush his teeth. All viewers can rest easy knowing that his breath will not stink.
“Not a day goes by, where things move a little too slow, d
ig a big hole on the beach, it seemed unnecessary to me”
Frankly, there’s no greater symbol for the everyday monotony of life than the activity of brushing one’s teeth. The lyrics remind us that life rarely slows down for anyone. It’s easy to look in the mirror one day and realize that the years are passing you by and all the while, you’re constantly filling your day with mindless, repetitive activities. How necessary is it that we brush our teeth, do our laundry, go to work, or do anything at all? We might as well be digging holes at the beach like we did as kids.
One of the more disturbing parts of this video occurs next, when Judd exits the bathroom without rinsing his mouth and immediately takes a swig of coffee! That’s gross. At this point, we can confirm with certainty that he is indeed a psychopath.
As Judd completes his laundry and walks back into his apartment, he discovers a full blown party taking place. He greets friends in a casual and relaxed manner as he sits down to play the card game of the gods, Spicy Uno.
“Like the oldest story goes, a
ll of those embarrassing egos, c
ame crashing down”
The words here remind us just how small we are in the grand scheme of things. Once we accept that we can’t accomplish everything we want, or even very much at all, we can take pleasure in the little things like silly games, cheap beer and delicious tortillas. Perhaps Judd is beginning to understand this.
As the video continues, we follow him outside to the patio where the ‘cool guys’ are hanging out and playing a few games of beer die like a bunch of legends. Everyone at the party wishes they were equally as cool.
“The future held no fame, f
or the lucky ones”
Our protagonist tosses the die and considers that maybe a simple life is really the best case scenario. Fame and fortune sound great in theory, but ultimately lead to the downfall of happiness.
The ‘cool guys’ in our story represent all the people in life who are caught up in their own shit. The high school bullies, the corporate overlords, the pretentious self-absorbed artists.
Sadly, anyone with an inflated ego will think they’ve already achieved greatness in some fashion. But in the end, regardless of what they’ve actually accomplished (or not accomplished) these people will be left unhappy. When considering the things that truly matter in life, they won’t have much to talk about.
“The future was stuck in a rut
For the cool guys…
They thought they made it big time
They filled their glass half full
Not much to talk about this time
Not much to talk about”
Meanwhile, Judd takes a shot of vodka because he is a highly functioning alcoholic. As all great protagonists learn through their trials and tribulations, Judd now realizes he must confront his inner self and become the person he’s meant to be. He needs to let go of the bullshit and insecurity in his mind and live in the moment. It’s time for a new beginning.
At this point we've reached the climax of the video. Judd is slapped in the face, representing the death of his ego. We witness the rebirth of a toothpaste-drinking psychopath into his ultimate form. He is now, The Judd Zingle Project and he knows no limits.
A euphoric chaos ensues. Friends dance and sing together. Lights flash across the screen and colors streak the walls. Judd treks back to his bedroom, the same place his adventure began several hundred seconds ago.
“Make or break a solid pose, w
ork it out or work it in,
we all chose a different sin”
As he lays his head to rest, Judd considers what he learned and how he changed. He concludes that everyone is just trying to do their own thing, good or bad, success or failure… it doesn’t really matter. He decides that all a person can do is simply choose their own path and live one day at a time.
As the video ends with Judd’s eyes closing... the viewer is left to wonder, “was it all a dream?”
Aaaaaand there ya have it folks. A 100% accurate and perfectly summarized analysis of The Judd Zingle Project’s latest music video, “Old School Tribe.” If you disagree with my interpretations, or have your own ideas about the possible meanings behind these sounds and visuals, please comment below! (Just remember that you’re wrong and I’m right.)